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[Youtuber + Blogger] Free Keywords Planner For YouTube and Blogger.

#asalamu alaikum
#how are you all?
I hope you are good
The topic of today's post is the Free Keyword Planner and the rules for using it.
Let's get started.
Know some questions and answers before this.
1. What is the benefit of using it?
A. Those people who can select tags for them.
2. What is it?
A. It's a work to help with SEO or video blog posts.
# There are many YouTube users and bloggers who do not know about SEO or videos well. For me this post.
First download the app from here.
# Then follow the screen shot below.

# Open the app first.
# Then wait for the pages to load.

# Then search for a keyword with your video related to the top search bar.
Imagine that you will get videos with online shooting.
Then search by typing Online Job in the search bar.

# Then see how many wards are coming.

#Where are the keywords next to the Monthly Volume.
#What is the number of times a keyword is searched by the word?
# Copy the Monthly Volume of the WORD to the most, and use it as the tag of your content.
# Hopefully nobody has understood the problem.

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